Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Fall in Eastern Suffolk County

As fall comes to an end and winter is starting its turn, these images are from one of my walks down the road I live on. My mom wanted me to take these so she can always see how beautiful nature is.


This is one of my dogs, Pixie. She is very photogenic and loves the attention!

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Adventures at JWU

These are some shots from my weekend in Rhode Island. The view from the bridge was amazing.

Friday, November 4, 2016

Nobody probably knows this house, but Scott Disick's, associated with Kourtney Kardashian, parents lived in this house. I was able to go inside because my grandfather built this house and I stopped by after Scott and Kourtney decided to sell this house. Scott's parents and my grandfather have passed away so I am grateful to have these photos. 

This is one of my favorite photos from when I was in NYC not too long ago. I like the distance of the 2 traffic lights and how the buildings are not in a straight line directly in the background.

Congratulations to my brother on his graduation last night from Brandford Hall!

Thursday, October 20, 2016

For Mike

January 2016, my high school got news that one of our smartest and talented students was in a very serious car accident. Some people may have heard about it or read it in the news. Michael Einfeldt had just graduated from ESM in June of 2015, the following January he was driving and his car flipped because he hit a patch of black ice. Mike was seriously injured and suffered brain damage. No one was sure if he was going to live but with love and support, Mike has improved but is still suffering. Michael has gone through countless tests, he has a shunt and will be receiving a Baclofen (a muscle relaxer)  pump soon. Michael's life has completely turned upside down. The whole community, especially the ESM band members, are always thinking of him and that is why this photo is so special.